Here is a wondeful place. Castle Haven, named after the magnificent Castle where the Lord and Lady of the only bustling town in Imperio reside. A little more than just similar to the town, occassionally, parts of the town disappear, replaced by a portion of the actual town in Imperio. Almost like a rift between dimensions.
It is a haven for those of you who need somewhere to belong. Humans are not allowed, and even if they wanted, they would be unable to find it. Shrouded in a red like fog only passable by those with Imperian blood. Some are unaware of their blood connection to the mysterious place, but are aware of the gifts they posess. Will you be able to pass through the eerie fog into the wonderful town? updates
9/12/14-Staff hunting. Editing the life out of these boards, don't mind me~
4/17/15-Welcome, καε ʟızzıε ∞, a new staff in Town!